We need your help, we're looking for website admins & content creators who would like to collaborate in rebooting Badchix! Contact us at the bottom of the website.

My old account doesn’t work anymore

When our website was created in late 2006, we based everything on the XOOPS Content Management System, because it was easy to setup and even easier to maintain. Everything in XOOPS is modular and customizable. Now, 8 years later, XOOPS has turned out to be kind of asleep – it is not updated anymore and the modules we used are outdated and really buggy. Our RSS Feeds were broken, our site was not mobile and retina ready.

It had been our plan to move to another CMS, like Drupal, or decentralize the whole site to an up-to-date platform. We kept delaying the project over and over, because PHP hacking and nerve-killing MySQL mayhem were not really the activities we were looking forward to.

As you can see a lot has been changed on Badchix.com, you even noticed that your account maybe doens’t work anymore, what should you do?

[toggler title=”How do I activate my OLD ACCOUNT on Badchix 3.0?” ]You can reset your account by following instructions from 23/09/2014!

ATTENTION! This will only work from September 23, 2014

My account doesn't work anymore 1

1. Go to Badchix.com.
2. Click Login/Sign Up, icon. (step 1)
3. From the Login screen, under Password, click Forgot password. (step 2)
4. From the Forgot Your Password? screen, in the Email: field, type the email that you use to login to Badchix.com.  (step 3)
5. Click GO.
An email will be sent to you with instructions and a link to update your password.


[toggler title=”I registered for Badchix.com or reset my password, but I didn’t get my verification email?”]

Sometimes our emails get sent to the spam folder. Please check your spam folder and add our email to your safe senders list.[/toggler]

If you have any further questions, please let us know. We’ll be happy to assist!
Badchix Team
Rebirth of Badchix Magazine 1

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