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shifting gear at motorway
shifting gear at motorway

What should I do if I cannot find the right gear ? (Fail)

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A woman in Belgium thought it would be a great and safe idea to stop her car completely on a busy highway, just to put it back into 1st gear, reason being she couldn’t find the right gear while shifting.

[sublimevideo poster=”https://www.badchix.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/seen-on-badchix-badchix-3.0-beta-02.jpg” src1=”https://www.thebadchix.com/content/wtf-driver-student-belgium.mp4″ uid=”cd804027″ id=”cd804027″ width=”750″ height=”422″ settings=”autoresize:fit” settings=data-fullmode-enable=’true’]

Rebirth of Badchix Magazine 1