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Runball Rally
Runball Rally

7 Days x 8 Countries x 7 Parties

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The Runball Rally, a new breed automative rally, is the most sporty, luxurious and high profile of its kind. Each year they will gather to rally through an epic seven day adventure held in Europe. At Runball they are trying to bring all petrol heads from all over the world together for an unforgettable, insane journey. Things you can expect are: beautiful road-views, extreme live sports action, exclusive parties, the companionship of sexy girls and off course lots of driving.

Web: https://www.runballrally.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/runballrally
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/runballrally

Fueled by:
XRP Exclusive
CRM Connect
Sparks EFX

Rebirth of Badchix Magazine 1