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Dying Light 2 shows a bit of gameplay 1

Dying Light 2: Stay Human

Full Presentation

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Dying Light 2: Stay Human will be released on December 7, 2021
Techland reported this during a livestream around the game. Extensive gameplay was also shown in the livestream, as well as more information about the game.

The developer says that choices and the consequences of those choices play an important role in the game. Going through story missions in certain ways can change the way the game ends.

As in the first game, the infected zombies come out in droves at night. Compared to the original, it is even more dangerous to walk around at night. In any case, the streets are actually too dangerous to walk around, so it is recommended that players move over the roofs of buildings. On the other hand, buildings can be explored at night, as the infected don’t hide there.

Finally, it was announced that the game can also be played in co-op. Up to four people can play together.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human will be released on December 7 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and S, Xbox One and PC. Towards release, Techland plans to reveal many more details about the game. Below you can see the gameplay video first, and then the entire presentation.

Below you can view the full Dying Light 2 Stay Human presentation with new gameplay, developer interviews, and more.

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