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Iggy Azalea
Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea got a boob job

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It is slightly stunning, then, when I ask the rather routine question “What would you change about your body?” and she replies, popping a French fry in her mouth and not blinking an eye, “I did change something: Four months ago, I got bigger boobs! I’d thought about it my entire life.” She says she was sick of having to sew padding into her stage costumes and wanted to be able to wear lingerie without wiring. At first she resolved never to discuss this publicly; she didn’t want girls—so many of her fans are barely high school age—to feel bad about their own bodies. “But then,” she says, “I decided I wasn’t into secret-keeping. ~ source: Vogue

Vogue met up with Iggy Azalea at her studio in Los Angeles and asked her 73 questions about her life today. She shares how being famous is a total mess (but awesome) and what the biggest misconception is about her. To hear the rest of what she shared with us, keep watching.

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