Ritchie 16150
He had to power this in some way and the first suggestion is a pulse jet but his neighbor relations are being tested enough with just the sight of this thing so then shaking their house's with the raw of a jet seemed a step to far so this dude settled for the calming noise of a 2stroke paramotor.
Ritchie 15743
360 Swing with 25kg counter weight you can swing until you feel sick. Towering 9.5m above the ground with nothing to stop you falling.
Ritchie 16468
What a plumber can do in a shed, What a creation it's a unhinged flying bike or human blender but unbelievably it gets off the ground and actually flies.
Tyler 23510
You can make bags of microwave popcorn at home. They're delicious and ready to serve in just a couple of minutes. Not to mention they're cheaper than the name brands, and free from any nasty chemicals.
Tyler 24095
This nerd makes an awesome homemade Batman Armor. Seriously how cool is that!