Every year we at Badchix join one of famous rallies in the world. And next year we are joining the Runball Rally, an awesome breed automotive rally, is the most sporty, luxurious and high profile of its kind. Each year they will gather to rally through an epic seven day adventure held in Europe. At Runball they are trying to bring all petrol heads from all over the world together for an unforgettable, insane journey. Things you can expect are: beautiful road-views, extreme live sports action, exclusive parties, the companionship of our Badchix girls and off course lots of driving.
The Runballers make their way from one checkpoint to another, fueled by an impressive schedule of public and private events at the finest venues and hotels. This rally will occur in the most exciting cities of Europe – their parties are legendary with girls from Playboy and off course our own ultra sexy Badchix hotties.
To make sure your experience runs as smoothly as possible, Runball will never accept more than 130 cars. The 2015 edition, will be limited to 45 Teams. Entry is based on a strictly first come, first served, policy.
The entry fee for this Extreme Rally event is € 1295,- per person plus VAT (until 1/1/15, after this date. The entry fee will be increased.) –
This amount will cover event entry fee for one Runballer (person);
- Access to the “Runballers Gold Section”
- 4 and 5 star accommodation for 7 nights
- first-class breakfast meals and top-notch parties at the best venues
- Runball exclusive checkpoints including Runball Show/Stunt events
- Runball goodie bags and sponsor giveaways including lanyards and wristbands and a full standard car sticker pack including Runball logos, team number and Runball sponsor stickers.
More information and team sign-ups at https://www.runballrally.com/apply