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Woman Passed out
Woman Passed out

Woman Passed out on the Freeway

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A woman believed to be drunk passed out at the wheel on Interstate 805 early Friday morning and not even a California Highway Patrol officer banging on her window could wake her up. 10News Breaking Newstracker Paul Anderegg stopped to see what was going on and called 911. While waiting for a response, he ran out and tried to awaken the driver when there was a break in traffic.

But the woman was oblivious.

When Officer Sergio Flores with the California Highway Patrol arrived and tried to get her attention, he didn’t have any luck either. And then the car started rolling, with the woman still out cold. Flores jumped into action — chasing the car and trying to bust out a window with his flashlight. After a few swings, he succeeded, and was able to get inside and throw the gear shift into park.

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